HNMC GP20 - What's it about?
Herts Nitro Model Club (HNMC) every year hosts a race meeting on the August bank holiday weekend and over the years it has become one of the popular events on the 1/8th racing calendar.
The club opens up its entries at the beginning of the year and starts organising what needs to be done etc. Then Covid hits the world and lockdown happens so everything is put on hold.....but when restrictions start to lift and the club where able to put on small club races to see if they can cope with Government guidelines the thoughts to the GP started to resurface. There were still questions on how many racers they would be able to have, as on a non covid year they would have at least 140 racers, but with the guidelines from the Motorsport industry and BRCA they were able to proceed with 110!
Once the go ahead was given they went into full steam in getting the track prepped and getting equipment etc ordered. Also ensuring all the facilities on site, camping area, toilets and general areas where all safe and able to social distance. HNMC's motto for this years GP is "Together Racing Safe".
Saturday is the day where the racers get to book in and collect their event Tshirt and have 2 rounds of practice.
Sunday is qualifying and Monday is finals day.
Normally at the GP there are loads of spectators but in keeping with the club's motto, Herts RC Models has sponsored RCRacing TV to come and live stream the event on Sunday and Monday so that everyone who would normally come and watch can still do so in the safety of their own homes.